Color Wheel Designer
The Color Wheel Designer or color circle designer is a .NET application for Windows that helps you navigate through the World of Colors. Color Wheel Designer supports the design and compilation of harmonious color palette.
Short video tutorials
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New function !+ The dragged or moved disc jumps to the place or color on the color circle withsmall drawn circles.
Watch tutorial videos on document page.
Color palette for painting
With the help of the Quadrant color circle we can mix the colors simiralry like in paintings. Look at the original painting palette on the right side, and the settings in the Color Wheel Designer on the images below. (Click on the images below in order to zoom.)
System requirements
You can buy and download the application from the Microsoft Store.
The software is compatible from Windows 10 (build 1809) to Windows 11.
Suggested minimum screen resolution 1280x768.
Those harmonious colors?
The colors usually express emotions, moods. In the simplest case, You should think of the red as a representative of the hot colors. The red color can results a positive effect on mood, and it can triggers pleasant or intense emotions. It can represents the flame of fire, which can be paired with feeling of love or joy.
The harmony or the combined sounding of colors.
How can You trigger a harmonious or related effect with the choice of colors?
One possible solution is the Color Wheel Designer program.
With the Color Wheel Designer, we may assign the colors according to a system. This kind of system can includes an analog color scheme which means that the radius of the disks and the constant angles can be related to each other. If the radius is constant, then the color saturation is the same for all disks. If the angle is the same, it will be similar in coloring. The designation will retain the color type.
Six colors on the color circle
In the Color Wheel Designer program, 6 pieces of colors or actually half of the 12 colors can be designated at a time on the color circle, according to a system of color selection.
We should find the sounding of the 6 colors with the tools included in the Color Wheel Designer application.
Main features
You can download and try free the demo version of Color Wheel Designer application.
The .NET version of Color Wheel Designer includes:
License for one computer
Unlimited palette creation capability. |
Color designation on two color circles. Quadrant and Triad RGB. |
RGB, HSB, CMYK color coordinates counting. |
Pipette: screen caputre function and from loaded image. |
Unlimited opening and saving in HTML format. |
Loading your own palette in HTML format created by Yourself, and select colors accoring to. |
Complete setting possibilities. |
English and Hungarian language. |
Color search functions. |
Nearly 1800 predefined colors in HTML. |
Color save function in PNG image file. |
Alpha or opacity colors. |